Monday, April 21, 2008

Where do I stand ?

My feelings for You(Chinese) and Them(Tibetans).

Why are people so greedy?
Why's love so adulterated?
Why do you want a colony?
When you are among the hated.

Whats the reason, to do this sport?
When you're literally spreading no peace
Is it the culprit mind of the Senate?
Or is it in the blood of chinese?

The whole world is watching
But therz nothing one wants to do.
UK, US, Russia and the Beijing,
Why dont u simply accept the truth.

You wanna have fun through others misery
You want their blood spilt on your clothes
Do these monks look so stupid
Whom you just dont seem to ignore

They lead a life which is so petty
On the terra firma, they refer "fatherland"
While you are just being so sadist
Ruling and harassing from your "motherland"

I want peace for eternity
I want their life slippin out of your hand
I run with a prayer in my heart for them
Could you tell me, Where do I stand?

Appendix - Tibetans refer to Tibet as a "fatherland" whereas
"motherland" is a neologism introduced in the 1960s
to refer to China.

P.S - This blog's inspired by Aamir Khan, who carried the Olympic Torch, a few days back.
And I dedicate this one to my friend Vishnu, whoz obviously supporting the Tibetans, atleast through his dreams.

His Dream - "i had got this wild dream that i was in tibet protesting with other monks then police start firing and we start to run.. i ran into a building and hid in a corner...this chinese guard comes in ... he sees me then...he aims his gun at me...then suddenly he sees one tibetan hiding near me... he shoots him in the head and points his gun back at me...i stand up ...tats all ...i get up from sleep.... "


  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    excellent poem man .. you should have joined the poetry club at bits.
    thanks for the dedication

  2. good one ra....

  3. Abe....! U are not Zubair man. You are not. I can't believe it maan. U have multiple personalities in you buddy. Its a good one unlike ur cheddi one.
